In this updated activity, students will explore box office data for top-grossing Christmas movies to analyze and compare earnings. They'll practice skills like rounding, estimating, calculating di...
In this updated activity, students will analyze U.S. holiday candy sales data to calculate the approximate amount spent on candy for each holiday. Using real-world percentage...
🥔 "Why do we never have enough mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving?" In this updatedactivity, students will dive into the math of mashed potatoes planning to ensu...
How much do we spend on Mother's Day - Use the Mother's Day event to engage your students in approximating, reasoning, and investigating as students estimate how mu...
On Veterans Day we honor the men and women that have served in the Armed Forces of the United States. There are now 16.2 million living veterans. We found these maps that show where veterans liv...
In this activity students try to figure out how time settings will change as they move from place to place and in the serious weirdness of Arizona and the Navaho and Hopi nations. What variables...
Every year more and more people come to our house on Thanksgiving morning for my (Leslie's)famous pumpkin pie and a hike in the nearby woods. This year 23 people have already accepted. How man...
Surveys show that more and more people are involved in and spending on Halloween activities. If the percent of Americans participating continues at this pace and the population continues to grow at ...
Ooooo. Scary! In this first activity on vampire bats we've given lots of interesting metric and customary unit facts and asked students to relate those sizes to more familiar objects. Si...