In this updated activity, students will explore box office data for top-grossing Christmas movies to analyze and compare earnings. They'll practice skills like rounding, estimating, calculating di...
<a href="">Image by ra...
What's with the March Equinox? Does it really affect our lives? Is it just some astronomical occurrence? Students calculate the daylight hours at the March Equi...
Shamrocks in Ireland are actually 3-leafed white clover, trifolium repens. If you are lucky, you can sometimes find a four-leafed clover. How rare is finding a 4-leafed clover? How hard do you...
In this activity students assume that all of our pieces of chocolate are about the same thickness and proceed to approximate their volumes by comparing only their surface areas.
Consider sh...
The Winter Olympics begins this week in Beijing.
Wikipedia had this schedule of events. We think that there is a lot of information missing and apparent in this graphic.
What can you tell, wha...
The holidays are coming! We found these timely soda displays made up entirely of 12-pack of Coca-Cola products. What questions do you have?
Start out the activity by giving kids 30 ...