Holidays and Annual Events


We found 11 post available for you

Holiday Movies

Number Sense Holidays and Annual Events Movies and Entertainment
In this updated activity, students will explore box office data for top-grossing Christmas movies to analyze and compare earnings. They'll practice skills like rounding, estimating, calculating di...

Will this be an El Niño winter?

Number Sense Math and Science Math and Social Studies Holidays and Annual Events Current events
The Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) started to show changes to the Pacific Ocean surface temperatures in April and May of this year.  Those temperatures are still rising which is a marker for the upco...

Earth Day (April 22) Actions for Our Planet

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Science Math and Social Studies Holidays and Annual Events Current events Ratio and Proportion 3-act tasks Data and probability
<a href="">Image by ra...

Super Bowl Numerals

Number Sense Sports Holidays and Annual Events
Super Bowl numbers are appearing again. As students start getting into the current Super Bowl hype, help them to understand the notation that the sports writers and advertisements a...

Holiday shipping

Algebra Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Now that the shopping season has begun, it's time to get the packages to your homes.  Two big companies take care of a lot of that shipping.  How do they manage that? The mechanis...

Holiday soda displays

Algebra Number Sense Holidays and Annual Events
The holidays are coming! We found these timely soda displays made up entirely of 12-pack of Coca-Cola products. What questions do you have?  Start out the activity by giving kids 30 ...

How should I cook my turkey?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events
Should I oven bake it, deep fry it or barbecue and smoke it?  When do I have to wake up to begin preparations? How long will the cooking take?  How much will it cost?  How ma...

Macy's Thanksgiving Parade 2019

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Holidays and Annual Events
 As we get ready for next week's holiday, students can study a map of the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, describe, measure and hypothesize why this route was chosen and then calculate...

Super Bowl ads and scientific notation

Algebra Number Sense Holidays and Annual Events
The Super Bowl is over now and all of the ads have been seen. Let your students revisit and reflect on the interesting commercials with this scientific notation a...
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