

We found 68 post available for you

Are baseball games getting longer?

Algebra Number Sense Sports Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
  March 28th, 2018 was opening day for this year's Major League Baseball season. It's a good time for some Major League Baseball math! In this activity students think about how major league ...

Choosing the NBA All-Star team

Algebra Number Sense Sports Current events Ratio and Proportion
The weekend of February 14 - 16 will be all about the NBA All-Stars. The two team captains are Giannis Antetokounmpo (Milwaukee Bucks) and LeBron James (Los Angeles Lakers). These guys ...

Checking in on LeBron

Number Sense Sports
Now the that season is underway let’s check in on how Cleveland and the Lakers are doing since LeBron changed teams. LeBron is arguably the best player in the NBA and a tremendous addition to a team...


Algebra Sports Ratio and Proportion
TJ Watt was fined for roughing the passer.  Check out the tweet from Darren Rovell and engage your students in a familiar context for a classic percent problem - solving for the "whole....

Extra point or 2-point conversion - Updated

Algebra Number Sense Sports Data and probability
In 2015 the NFL changed the extra point kick distance to 33 yards and now teams have a tough decision to make, go for one or two points?  The one point extra point is no longer a given with...

Fantasy Football

Algebra Number Sense Sports Holidays and Annual Events
In the midst of another NFL season, we introduce students to Fantasy Football. Students first calculate football points given touchdowns, yardage gains and interceptions. They are then challenge...

Nike's latest bet

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Sports Current events Data and probability
Nike has just chosen a surprising person to represent the 30th anniversary of their slogan, "Just Do It".  Colin Kaepernick, past quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers, has been a subjec...

Now that LeBron James is becoming an L. A. Laker, will this company go broke?

Number Sense Sports Current events Ratio and Proportion
Fanatics is an online sportswear retailer that has promised to accept jersey returns if your chosen player makes a team switch. In this activity student try to calculate how much this "Jersey Ass...

What are the odds that Justify can win the Triple Crown?

Number Sense Sports Holidays and Annual Events Current events Data and probability
Justify has won the Triple Crown.  He's the 13th horse to ever win all three races ... Kentucky Derby, Preakness, and the Belmont Stakes.  Amazing!   Justify w...

Jackie Robinson

Algebra Math and Social Studies Sports Data and probability
April 15th, 1947 was a date to remember.  Jackie Robinson became the first African-American baseball player to play in Major League Baseball since the game was segregated in the 1890s. Robinson...
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