

We found 5 post available for you

Effects of new MLB rules

Algebra Number Sense Sports Current events Data and probability
This year new rules have been added to Major League Baseball. Pitchers and batters are no longer allowed to "dawdle" or delay the game. The bases are larger. Now pitchers...

Beijing Olympic Schedule 2022

Number Sense Sports Holidays and Annual Events Current events Data and probability
The Winter Olympics begins this week in Beijing. Wikipedia had this schedule of events. We think that there is a lot of information missing and apparent in this graphic. What can you tell, wha...

Just ONE hot dog

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Math and Food Sports Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
A newly released nutritional and environmentally sustainable study shows that eating just one hot dog can take 36 minutes off your total healthy lifespan. How many would you have to eat to lo...

NHL Playoff games can sure last a long time!

Algebra Number Sense Sports Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Revised! We're watching another Stanley Cup playoff now. Will there be any really long games during the playoffs? In 2013, a Stanley Cup playoff match between the Bruins and Blackhawks wen...

Patriots' Day

Number Sense Math and Social Studies Sports Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion
In Massachusetts, Monday April 15th, 2019, will be a holiday from school and work.  We celebrate Patriots' Day on the 3rd Monday in April to commemorate the beginning of the Revolutionary War a...
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