

We found 3 post available for you

Women's World Cup - How many matches are left?

Number Sense Geometry Sports Current events
The first round of Group play has finished and now the remaining teams start the second round of play. The teams have already played a lot of matches. How many? And, how many matches are left? ...

Do you want to be an NBA virtual fan?

Number Sense Geometry Sports Current events Ratio and Proportion
For health concerns, professional sports now have no actual live fans. To help generate the excitement and semblance of fans, some teams use cardboard cutouts of people.  Some use Zoom screens ...

Cubs bury curse !

Number Sense Sports
  Wow!  It's been a long time coming.  The Chicago Cubs just won the World Series! The last time they won the World Series was in 1908 (For some perspective, that is the same time ...
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