Even before your students check out the graphic below, ask them whether they think a game played at home gives their team an advantage. If so, how much of an advantage? Enjoy t...
How much food do you need to carry to hike the Appalacian Trail?
The AT is a hiking trail that begins in Georgia and ends on Mount Katadin, Maine. Fall is a beautiful time to be outdoors or on ...
We're watching another Stanley Cup playoff now. Will there be any really long games during the playoffs?
In 2013, a Stanley Cup playoff match between the Bruins and Blackhawks wen...
In Massachusetts, Monday April 15th, 2019, will be a holiday from school and work. We celebrate Patriots' Day on the 3rd Monday in April to commemorate the beginning of the Revolutionary War a...
Recipe courtesy of The Slow Roasted Italian
A little more delicious work for the Super Bowl. Students follow a recipe that involves "cutting the cheese" block, figuring how many se...