
tags: 5th
We found 253 post available for you

It's opening weekend for Barbie

Number Sense Math and Social Studies Current events Data and probability Funny
This movie is supposed to be nostalgic, clever, funny, and wildly entertaining. We've written an activity that lets students express their excitement (or lack of) in seeing this new movie, st...

Ice Cream Day - July 16th; 2 activities

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events Current events Ratio and Proportion
All the ice cream that you can eat   All the ice cream that you can eat for only 10 cents!  Wow, that's a great deal!  How great a deal was tha...

Wildfires and particulate matter

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Current events Data and probability
Wildfires in Canada have been spreading dangerous smoke pollution throughout much of North America. What is a dangerous size of particles per cubic meter (PM)? How tiny is th...

What is heat index?

Math and Science Current events Data and probability
 It's been really hot in many places on our Earth lately. Is some heat more bearable? What is the heat index measure? How does that affect our risks and our tolerance of heat?  How doe...

Can Joey and Miki do it again?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Food Sports Current events Ratio and Proportion
Updated !              The MLE - Major League Eating is a World organization that oversees speed eating contests. Entrants to the various competitions must be...

200 people

Number Sense Geometry Math and Science Math and Social Studies Ratio and Proportion 3-act tasks Data and probability Wow factor Any time math
Show your students the video and have a discussion! What do you notice?Why did someone create this GIF?What's the point? For Adventurer members we have our solutions.

How many hot chocolate scoops do I need?

Number Sense Math and Food 3-act tasks Any time math
Even though it is now Spring, here in New England we are still chilled and hope that some hot chocolate will warm us up.  Clicking on the above image will take you to Brian's movie of makin...

Giant beach towel

Geometry Math and Art Ratio and Proportion 3-act tasks Data and probability Wow factor
Beaches are starting to open again. Bring summertime smiles and hopes to your class with this activity.  Towel project by Misael Soto. Act One: Check out this beach towel!  Wh...

Memorial Day 2023

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Current events Ratio and Proportion
   This Monday, Americans will celebrate Memorial Day.  Who are we honoring?  How did the holiday come about?  Isn't Memorial Day usually on May 30th? Students...
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