tags: EE

tags: EE
We found 147 post available for you

Passover macaroons

Algebra Number Sense Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events
Passover begins this year on Wednesday evening, April 5th, 2023, with a Passover seder dinner. Passover is one of the three high holidays in the Jewish religion and celebrates the Exodus of Jews f...


Algebra Number Sense Sports
  The deflated ball controversy makes an interesting segue into negative number line understanding.  A particular digital psi football gauge reads 0 when the ball is at a proper NFL in...

Cost of light bulbs - updated!

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Math and Social Studies Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
There's a lot of misinformation out there about the cost to consumers of CFL and LED bulbs and the savings in energy and money that could be realized. Let your students "do the math" and realiz...

Scoring Olympic ski jumping

Number Sense Geometry Sports
The scoring rubric for each of the Olympic events is intended to eliminate the possibility of scoring bias from the judges.  Let your students learn more about the scoring of one event and deci...

Bits, bytes, and nibbles

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Ratio and Proportion
Clicking on the image will show it larger. I'm not very good at understanding how large my device capacities are and how big the files that I want to download are in comparison.  I decid...

Raising the bar

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Ratio and Proportion
Recovery of the treasure from the 1941 sinking of the S.S. Gairsoppa was recently completed and a huge amount of silver was brought up from the ocean floor.  Let your students get a fe...

Methane math

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Math and Social Studies Math and Food
Updated!  Carbon dioxide and methane are our two most prevalent human-contributed greenhouse gases.  This holstein cow is one of many huge contributors to our methane production. &nb...

Voyager on the edge

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Ratio and Proportion
The two Voyager space probes are in the news recently as they approach the edge of our solar system.  Scientist can tell that the Voyager's environments are changing.  They are receiving m...

Happy 14th B'ak'tun!

Number Sense Math and Science Math and Social Studies
Luckily, we’ve passed 12/21/2012 and the world is still here and we’ve made it into the start of the next Mayan calendar cycle ... the next B’ak’tun. The ancient Mayans had an interesting...

Is this possible?

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Food
Brian Shoemaker, a Newton, MA mathematics teacher, saw this Dunkin Donuts Mazda traveling down the road.   He wondered if that size coffee cup could really have coffee in it. &nbs...
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