2023-11-20 09:44:31
California water measurements - chains, links, and furlongs
California water measurements - chains, links, and furlongs
[caption id="attachment_17570" align="aligncenter" width="263"] Gunter's chain[/caption] Help your students understand what they are reading or hearing about the California drought. Terms like acre-feet, chains, and furlongs are often used to describe the volume of the reservoirs. Give your class a little practice and appreciation of the measurements while they learn a little about the immensity of the situation.The activity: CaliforniaWater-acre-feet.pdf
For members we have an editable Word docx and solutions.
CaliforniaWater-acre-feet.docx CaliforniaWater-acre-feet-solution.pdf
CCSS: 5.MD.5, 6.G.3, 6.RP.3, 7.RP.3, MP6
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