Willow at Baltimore, MD Zoo
Willow weighed 125 pounds at birth and was 6 feet 1 inch tall. She will grow to her adult height of around 14 feet tall in only four years! How big wou...
Recipe courtesy of The Slow Roasted Italian
A little more delicious work for the Super Bowl. Students follow a recipe that involves "cutting the cheese" block, figuring how many se...
A little ratio art might be a fun way to get ready for the upcoming Memorial Day holiday. In this activity (Flags) students measure; create whole number ratios for the official U.S. flag; decide h...
Recently McDonald's announced that by 2016 they will use only chicken raised without the antibiotics that are used in human medicine. McDonald's plans to join Chick-fil-A, Pa...
Lately the news is filled with talk of the Euro, US foreign debt, the fragility of European monetary systems, and the interdependence of all of these crisis.
In this activity students become fami...