
tags: 8.EE.8
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Magic Squares

Though it is not our usual real-world application, we always have time for some fun math puzzles! In this updated activity, students will explore the puzzle of magic squares. You...

Souvenirs and concessions

Algebra Number Sense Math and Food Sports Any time math
Brian has introduced systems of equations with easy, motivating problems that deal with the cost of stadium purchases for food and souvenirs. These systems of equations puzzles are so intuitive that...

How much do the movie tickets cost?

Algebra Number Sense
Ooops! I was supposed to buy 4 adult and 2 children tickets, but I accidentally entered four children and two adults ... :)  Can you figure out how much a child's ticket and an adult ticket...

Who can play in this play area?

Algebra Math and Food
                 We visited a Chic-fil-A recently.  We had a great meal and my son loved playing in the ...

Thank you, mother and father, for all of those diapers

Algebra Number Sense Holidays and Annual Events
Thank you Mother and Father for all of those diapers  Which is a better deal, cloth or disposable diapers?  How much did you cost your parents in diapers?  In the future how much could...

Cost of light bulbs - updated!

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Math and Social Studies Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
There's a lot of misinformation out there about the cost to consumers of CFL and LED bulbs and the savings in energy and money that could be realized. Let your students "do the math" and realiz...
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