tags: ratio

tags: ratio
We found 89 post available for you

The Power of Leverage

Number Sense Ratio and Proportion Any time math
📈 In this activity, students will explore the power—and risks—of leverage by analyzing the price movements in trading. They'll calculate percentage gains and losses, compare leveraged vs. non-leve...

Bye bye Antibiotic Chickens

Number Sense Math and Science Math and Food Ratio and Proportion
Fast food chains like McDonald’s, Chick-fil-A, Panera Bread, Chipotle, and Whole Foods are moving toward removing antibiotics from the food we consume to help combat antibiotic-resistant disea...

The Scale of Things

Number Sense Math and Science Wow factor
🌎In this activity, students will explore the concept of size of different objects around us through estimation and scientific notation.  Begin with the starte...

Mashed Potatoes Proportions

Algebra Number Sense Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events
đŸ„” "Why do we never have enough mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving?" In this updatedactivity, students will dive into the math of mashed potatoes planning to ensu...

How much pee is in your pool (Updated)

Number Sense Geometry Math and Science Funny
How much pee is in your pool? 🏊🏊 After chlorination, it has been hard to measure the quantity of pollutants in pool water.  A Canadian chemist, Xing-Fang Li, has fo...

What is a quantum dot?

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Science Current events Ratio and Proportion Wow factor Any time math
 In this activity, students work through the nomenclature to understand the possibilities of nano science and quantum dots.  Questions that are answered; How many nanometers are in a millime...

Indigenous Peoples or Columbus Day

Algebra Geometry Math and Social Studies Holidays and Annual Events
When Columbus landed in Guanahani (renamed San Salvador, Bahama Islands by Columbus), he began the European settlement of the New World. Guanahani was inhabited by the  Taíno people and...

Little Amal walks across the United States

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Math and Art Current events Ratio and Proportion Wow factor Any time math
With our world in so much turmoil and refugees trying to survive hardships by traveling away from their homes, the story of Little Amal is powerful, timely, and touching. Of course there is a lot...

Hurricanes again

Algebra Math and Science Current events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Updated In this updated hurricane activity, we've ask students to examine the Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale and consider what other elements besides this ranking may contribute to t...

Monarch's are flying south again

Algebra Math and Science Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
In mid-August and early September, the Monarch butterflies begin their annual migration south to more moderate climates to hibernate and overwinter. It is an incredibly long migration and fa...
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