tags: estimation

tags: estimation
We found 52 post available for you

A lot of Cars

Number Sense Math and Social Studies 3-act tasks Any time math
🚙 In this updated activity, students will explore the environmental impact of transportation choices. They will use division to calculate how different transportation choices reduce the number of vehi...

How much snow is that?

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion
❄️In this updated activity, students will estimate, calculate, and analyze the weight of a snow pile sitting on top of a car. Using real-world data, they’ll apply math to determine if...

Stone Ice Storage

Number Sense Geometry Math and Science
In this activity, students will estimate the volume of the Seokbinggo, a centuries-old stone structure, and compare it to the size of their home fridge. Through the activity, students will be gi...

Downside Up

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Math and Art 3-act tasks Wow factor
🔍 In this updated activity, students will explore patterns and formulate mathematical relationships through the Canstruction exhibit ‘Downside Up.’ Begin with the starter slides for init...

Ulmer Nest

Number Sense Geometry Math and Social Studies
🏠In this activity, students will dive into estimation and critical thinking as they explore ‘Ulmer Nest’. It’s essential to start with the starter slides, where student...

Lots of Pieces

Number Sense 3-act tasks
🧩In this updated activity, students will explore estimation and addition with a collection of puzzles. It’s important to start with the starter slides, where st...

Cookie Calculations

Algebra Number Sense Math and Food Ratio and Proportion
In this activity, students will step into the kitchen to explore the math behind baking!   🍪They’ll estimate costs, calculate how many cookies can be made with a given am...

Happy National D🍩nut Day!

Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events
 We have 2 activities to support this silly, but awesome holiday -- National Donut Day (June 5th) :  How much have donuts changed?   Students become fam...

U. S. Open Tennis Tournament prizes have been awarded

Algebra Number Sense Sports Data and probability
The U.S. Open Tennis Tournament has just been completed. It is possibly the biggest tennis tournament in the world. We've updated our numbers and focused on the prize money.  As students ponder t...

Hurricanes again

Algebra Math and Science Current events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Updated In this updated hurricane activity, we've ask students to examine the Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale and consider what other elements besides this ranking may contribute to t...
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