tags: HSF-IF

tags: HSF-IF
We found 21 post available for you

Federal debt and deficit - What are they?

Number Sense Math and Social Studies Current events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
What's the big deal with our national debt?  Do we actually borrow money to cover our debt?  If we do, imagine the interest charges? Help your students (and their families) understa...

Steepness and fall hiking

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Science Sports
Fall is a beautiful time of year for hiking. Many students will be walking in the woods and mountains to enjoy the colorful leaves and the cool weather outside.  Let them combine what they ...

The new R-naught number

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Current events Data and probability
There's a number used to quantify how fast a virus will spread, the R-naught number.  As the coronavirus spread though out the world, we saw how the threat of infection was measured and und...

Tree for Springtime

Algebra Geometry Math and Art
Here in the Northeast, flowers are blooming and trees are leafing out. We thought the creation of a tree that grows before your eyes might be akin to what is going on all around us. What d...

2 Hiking Activities

Algebra Number Sense Sports Ratio and Proportion
How much food do you need to carry to hike the Appalacian Trail? The AT is a hiking trail that begins in Georgia and ends on Mount Katadin, Maine. Fall is a beautiful time to be outdoors or on ...

How fast will my new puppy mature?

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion
Dudley, born 11/10/2019 Dudley has just come to live with us. He is just a puppy and he is full of energy.  He's settling in well even though this is only day 3 of him living with us. T...

Expensive Super Bowl ads

Algebra Sports Holidays and Annual Events Data and probability
Updated again for 2022! The teams are set. Don't you wonder what a Super Bowl ad will cost this year?  Will the price for 30 seconds be more? stay the same? or drop? 2013 Doritos "Go...

So just print some more money!

Number Sense Math and Social Studies Current events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
                     What's the big deal with our deficit? Do we actually borrow money to cover our debt? If we do, imagine the interest charges? Help your students...


Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Math and Social Studies Current events Ratio and Proportion
We recently watched the approach of Hurricane Barry and worried about the fate of Louisiana. After the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, what would another powerful hurricane do to this fragile ...

Madden Glitch

Algebra Sports Current events Data and probability
It's the talk of the town. Madden video games have had some issues. Check this one out.     Here's one that has Le'Veon Bell seeming to fly from the Bear's goal line to the center...
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