Expensive Super Bowl ads

2023-11-20 09:44:41

Expensive Super Bowl ads

Updated again for 2022! The teams are set. Don't you wonder what a Super Bowl ad will cost this year?  Will the price for 30 seconds be more? stay the same? or drop? 2013 Doritos "Goat for sale" Super Bowl commercial.

This year a one-half minute ad will cost 6 million dollars!  Can the price for 30 seconds continue to rise? Do you wonder how much one ad will cost in the future? Students plot the cost of a 30-second Super Bowl ad over the past 55 Super Bowls. How has the cost of a NFL Super Bowl ad changed over time? Has it grown linearly? Exponentially? or what?Students create a curve or line to model the data and predict future Super Bowl commercial costs. Use this Desmos graphing calculator filled with the Super Bowl data and sliders for modeling the data… a great way to integrate technology into your math class.

This could be an awesome activity to do in your class in the days leading up to or right after the Super Bowl, when everyone is talking about those commercials.

For Adventurer members we have solutions for this investigation, an editable Word doc and an Excel sheet of the costs.

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