tags: graph

tags: graph
We found 54 post available for you

Moneymaking holiday movies

Number Sense Holidays and Annual Events Data and probability
Which movie do you think is the highest grossing holiday movie of all time (click on the movie to see its trailer)? How the Grinch Stole Christmas,  Elf,  The Santa Clause &nbs...

Consumer spending 2018

Number Sense Math and Social Studies Data and probability
Graph from Wolfram Alpha Consumers in the U.S. spend a lot of money. In this activity we look at historical data to see if there are any patterns in our spending.  How does our holida...

One harrowing adventure

Number Sense Current events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
  Can you imagine being stuck in the dark for such a long time?  How do all of the numbers play out? In this activity, students get a chance to talk about the experience of this ordea...

More eruptions on Hawai'i's Kilauea

Algebra Geometry Math and Science Current events Ratio and Proportion
The Volcano Kilauea is continuing to spew molten lava and ash on the island of Hawai'i. This volcano is on the tip of the southern most Hawaiian Island. Is that significant? In this activit...

Big Air snowboarding

Number Sense Geometry Math and Science Sports Holidays and Annual Events
Starting February 18th a new Olympic sport will be televised ... Big Air Snowboarding.  Some of your students may be officianados of snowboarding. Using this activity could be an opportunity to l...

Will the new iPhone sales be huge?

Algebra Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Apple just announced their new, 10th anniversary, iPhones, the iPhone 8 and the iPhone X.  These phones will soon be in stores, the iPhone 8 comes out on September 22, 2017. The iPhone X is ava...

Fireworks on your calculator

Algebra Geometry Holidays and Annual Events Math and Art
    Let your students experiment with their graphing calculators to create a nice fireworks display?  We've written a brief activity that questions students about manipula...

Saving Water Bottles

Algebra Math and Science Math and Social Studies
In my grocery store they now have these new water bottle refilling stations. You can simply refill your own container with water instead of buying a six-pack of bottled water....

Pokémon GO! I should have invested

Algebra Number Sense Current events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Pikachu Pokémon GO is all the rage.  News reports show people glued to their smart phones as they travel to nearby landmarks where virtual critters appear and need to be caught ...
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