
tags: 4.MD
We found 64 post available for you

Ice Cream Day - July 16th; 2 activities

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events Current events Ratio and Proportion
All the ice cream that you can eat   All the ice cream that you can eat for only 10 cents!  Wow, that's a great deal!  How great a deal was tha...

What is heat index?

Math and Science Current events Data and probability
 It's been really hot in many places on our Earth lately. Is some heat more bearable? What is the heat index measure? How does that affect our risks and our tolerance of heat?  How doe...

How many hot chocolate scoops do I need?

Number Sense Math and Food 3-act tasks Any time math
Even though it is now Spring, here in New England we are still chilled and hope that some hot chocolate will warm us up.  Clicking on the above image will take you to Brian's movie of makin...

The 8th billion baby

Number Sense Math and Social Studies Current events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
How fast is the world's population growing? Will the world's population size increase indefinitely?  Are all countries' populations increasing at the same rate? What are some of the...

The HAT tessellation

Geometry Math and Art Current events
 An Einstein aperiodic tile has just been discovered.  Find out what that means and why it is significant.  Plus - play with the tiles.  Do you want to tile your shower floor wi...

March Equinox - big deal? ... and 5 more Spring activities

Algebra Math and Science Holidays and Annual Events Current events Data and probability
   What's with the March Equinox? Does it really affect our lives? Is it just some astronomical occurrence? Students calculate the daylight hours at the March Equi...

How hard is it to find a 4 leaf clover? (3 Saint Patrick's Day activities)

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Science Holidays and Annual Events Wow factor
Shamrocks in Ireland are actually 3-leafed white clover, trifolium repens. If you are lucky, you can sometimes find a four-leafed clover. How rare is finding a 4-leafed clover?  How hard do you...

Daylight savings time

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Current events Ratio and Proportion
Updated and improved! Is Daylight savings time helpful?  How does it make you feel? "Spring forward, fall back" Early Sunday morning, March 12th at 2 am, we change our clo...
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