Money Making Movies

2024-09-25 09:03:16

Money Making Movies

Do you enjoy watching movies?🎬  Have you ever wondered just how much money your favorite films make at the box office? Worldwide box office income is compared for the top ten grossing movies of all time. How does inflation and increasing ticket prices come into play? Inflation rates are used to let students calculate how the money of 1997 compares to the money of the current year. The idea of this comparison is to encourage students to develop their own understanding of exponential growth.

The activity is appropriate for middle schoolers and high schoolers as well by allowing students to generalize a formula for finding the adjusted-for-inflation earnings of any movie.

Kickstart your students' curiosity with an engaging starter activity then move onto the main activity to get them thinking critically and excited about the topic.

Image by freepik

Note: This UPDATED content, including the starter slides & sheets, is exclusive to Adventurer (paid) members. Click 'Download editable files' to access all materials!

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Michel Williams - 2024-09-26 00:12:21
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