How many hot chocolate scoops do I need?

2023-11-20 09:44:52

How many hot chocolate scoops do I need?

Even though it is now Spring, here in New England we are still chilled and hope that some hot chocolate will warm us up.

Clicking on the above image will take you to Brian's movie of making Hot chocolate.

Act I - Watch the movie.  Making hot chocolate movie or by clicking on the picture above.  What do you notice and wonder? 

Act II - What information would be helpful to figure out how many 1/4 teaspoons you need?  How many 1/4 teaspoons are equivalent to a whole teaspoon?  How can you visualize this?  What math models this problem?  If helpful check out this online fraction bar tool. 

Act III - The reveal - Brian makes the chocolate

Sequel - What if I only had 1/2 teaspoons?  How many 1/2 teaspoons would I need to use?   What if I only had 1/8 teaspoons?  How many 1/8 teaspoons would I use?  What pattern do you notice?

For Adventurer members we have our solution and suggestions for the activity.

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