How large a TV should I get?

2023-11-20 09:44:31

How large a TV should I get?

Whether you are in middle school or high school, someday you are going to be moving out and you might need to select the right size HDTV for your living space. I found this guide that helps buyers pick the correct size HDTV for a living space.  Take a look at the table.  What questions do you have?  What do you notice?


In this activity students will select the appropriate size HDTV for various rooms.  They will need to read and use a scale, make measurements, possibly place furnishings and then correctly determine the right size and placement of the HDTV. Students may also need to determine how long an HDTV is based off it size (HDTV size is determined by the diagonal screen length) if you choose to have them accurately sketch it into the room. Students might ask or find it helpful to know that common HDTV sizes are 22, 24, 26, 32, 37, 39, 40, 42, 46, 47, 50, 55, 60, 65 and 70 inches. For homework consider asking students to check their HDTV at home, assuming they have one.  They could check to be sure their TV is the correct size for its distance from the viewing area.  Or students might determine what size television is appropriate for a particular room in their house.

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