Do you have text neck?

2023-11-20 09:44:31

Do you have text neck?


What does looking down at your electronic device do to your breathing? To your muscles? To your spine curvature? To your pain?  It can lead to a condition called Text Neck.  To learn more about Text Neck and to kick this lesson off to your class, check out the video below.  After the showing the video consider having students do some measurements and make some conclusions on their own head/weight bearing postures while texting.  They can use the table below or the other methods mentioned in the activity to determine the weight of their head in their typical texting posture.

Students learn about Text Neck and analyze the data in the table below. Students can plot the data and model with a function in order to approximate the weight of a head at different angles.

Screen Shot 2015-01-19 at 8.10.52 PM

This seems like an important topic for young people to understand ... angles, functions, head weight analysis and their health!

The activity: text_neck.pdf

For members we have an editable Word docx, analysis and solutions.

text-neck.docx      text-neck-solution.pdf

 CCSS: 8.SP.1. 8.SP.2, 8.SP.3, HSM, HSS.ID.B.6, HSS.ID.C.7, HSG.SRT.C.8, HSG.SRT.D.11

Activity Solutions & Supporting Materials
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