Candy Count: Which Bag Holds the Most Candy

2024-10-14 13:39:19

Candy Count: Which Bag Holds the Most Candy

🎃Leverage your students' Halloween enthusiasm with this activity, where they’ll calculate the volume of various trick-or-treat bags—ranging from rectangular prisms to spheres, cylinders, and cones—to discover which bag holds the most candy. As a fun addition, ask students to bring in their own trick-or-treat bags for this year and they can estimate how many candies they can collect this year.

➕ There is a challenge at the end for an extension, suitable for older students (8th and above). 

⏰ 45-minutes (excluding the optional task) but can be extended based on class discussions. 

Note: This UPDATED content, including the starter slides & the challenge task, is exclusive to Adventurer (paid) membersClick 'Solutions & Supporting Materials' to access all materials!

Image by freepik

Activity Solutions & Supporting Materials
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