2023-11-20 09:44:30
California Chrome's Lineage
California Chrome's Lineage
Alas. California Chrome did not win the Triple Crown. Tonalist won the Belmont Stakes.
This Saturday is the final race of the Triple Crown of thoroughbred horse racing ... the Belmont Stakes.
No horse has won the Triple Crown since 1978 when Affirmed won all three races.
California Chrome has already won the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness. Can he win the final Triple Crown race ... the Belmont Stakes?
In this post we look at his lineage and simply calculate what part of him came from Secretariat, Seattle Slew, and his other successful relatives.
The activity: Lineage-CaliforniaChrome.pdf
For members we have an editable Word docx and solutions:
Lineage-CaliforniaChrome.docx Lineage-CaliforniaChrome-solutions.pdf
CCSS: 3.NFA, 4.NFA, 5.NFB, 6.RP
Triple Crown horse race is also a recent post about speed conversions, distance comparisons, and cool horse race facts.Comments (0)
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