2023-11-20 09:44:43
2 Hiking Activities
2 Hiking Activities
How much food do you need to carry to hike the Appalacian Trail?
The AT is a hiking trail that begins in Georgia and ends on Mount Katadin, Maine. Fall is a beautiful time to be outdoors or on the Trail. This activity is about calculating the needs and rates involved in enduring this 2,168 mile trek.
Hopefully you and your students are still enjoying the outdoors during this cooler, more colorful time of year. Use this enthusiasm to look at the rate calculations necessary for an Appalachian Trail thru-hiker.
Is a 6% road grade too steep?
Steepness and Fall Hiking - Let them combine what they are doing with their families and friends with a little mathematics about percent grade change. Why are there warnings about a 6% road grade change ahead? Why does everyone talk about the vertical gain on a trail that is only 3 miles long? Enjoy using slope and the Pythagorean Theorem in a new way.Comments (0)
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