Math and Art


We found 5 post available for you

Little Amal walks across the United States

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Math and Art Current events Ratio and Proportion Wow factor Any time math
With our world in so much turmoil and refugees trying to survive hardships by traveling away from their homes, the story of Little Amal is powerful, timely, and touching. Of course there is a lot...

Patterns in the binomial expansion, Pascal

Algebra Number Sense Math and Art
Realizing that (X+Y)n can be expanded with the help of Pascal's Triangle offers some pretty and interesting math play.  We love to bring a little fun and beauty into our math classes and the en...

Wheel of Theodorus

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Art
Bring a little art into your math class as you begin to use the Pythagorean theorem and your students first meet irrational numbers. For Adventurer members we have an editable Word docx and s...

Spiraling triples

Number Sense Geometry Math and Art
Let students explore the patterns of perfect squares and Pythagorean Triples as they analyze our piece of art and decide why the resulting construction looks like spiraling squares. For a finale the...

How did I graph this heart?

Algebra Geometry Holidays and Annual Events Math and Art
In this activity, students will use mathematical equations to create a heart shape on a coordinate plane. This activity encourages students to apply their algebra and graphing ...
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