<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/watercolor-textured-blue-background_15559582.htm#fromView=search&page=1&position=22&uuid=5c957d6a-8767-4ae9-9522-cdefcf4825b7">Image by ra...
The World Cup Finals is only played every 4 years but isn't it always in June?
The World Cup Finals 2022 will be played in Qatar from November 21st until December 18th, 2022. &nbs...
Have you played it yet?
If so, do you play it every day?
Why do you suppose that this game is so popular?
When will there be no new 5-letter words to try?
There have been some pretty cold football games. How do you suppose the frigid temperatures affect the success or failure of the teams that are involved? Do teams from colder areas usually beat warm...
Restaurants have been having a hard time and Chuck E. Cheese, with their arcade games and hands on everything, needed to declare bankruptcy during the pandemic. 7 BILLION previously printed tickets ...
Locked in a smelly bathroom for one hour and then promised a lifetime of Whopper meals🍔, an Oregon man sued BK when the manager's promise was withdrawn.
How much money should he ask for in hi...
On October 24, 2017, the Olympic flame was captured on Mount Olympus, Greece. That flame lit one of this year's Olympic Torches and the Torch relay was begun on its way to the opening Winter Olympic...
New York Times photo - Credit Darren Staples/Reuters
They changed it. That is so not fair ... or is it? You can check out a video news story on the delicious shrinking Toblero...