tags: valentine

tags: valentine
We found 7 post available for you

A Parametric Heart

Geometry Holidays and Annual Events Math and Art
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ In this updated activity, students will explore parametric equations to graph a heart shape using sine and cosine functions. Begin with the starter activity to set the stage (o...

Holiday Candy Sales

Algebra Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
In this updated activity, students will analyze U.S. holiday candy sales data to calculate the approximate amount spent on candy for each holiday. Using real-world percentage...

Valentine's Day Activities (Compilation)

Holidays and Annual Events
Happy Valentine's Day💘💞💛💚🍫💌 Have a heart Canstruction  Stud...

A gorgeous, glittery card

Number Sense Geometry Holidays and Annual Events Math and Art
   Uh oh!  How do you find the area of a heart? Get your students to help you calculate how many sequins you'll need to order for this class project.

How did I graph this heart?

Algebra Geometry Holidays and Annual Events Math and Art
In this activity, students will use mathematical equations to create a heart shape on a coordinate plane. This activity encourages students to apply their algebra and graphing ...

A parametric heart ... with love

Number Sense Geometry Holidays and Annual Events Math and Art
This post is being updated and will be posted before February 6th, 2025. Adventurer members can still access the old files by clicking the solutions & supporting materials.  ...

Valentine's Cardioid

Geometry Holidays and Annual Events Math and Art
WojciechSwiderski at the Polish language Wikipedia Happy Valentine's Day!     This PDF contains four ways students can draw cardioids for Valentine's Day. There is no solu...
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