tags: unit ratio

tags: unit ratio
We found 6 post available for you

How much pee is in your pool (Updated)

Number Sense Geometry Math and Science Funny
How much pee is in your pool? 🏊🏊 After chlorination, it has been hard to measure the quantity of pollutants in pool water.  A Canadian chemist, Xing-Fang Li, has fo...

USPS needs help!

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Current events Data and probability
The U.S. Postal Service has been in the news lately.  Does it seem like your mail takes longer to reach where you have sent it now?  Do you wonder why there are delays and whether things w...

How should I cook my turkey?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events
Should I oven bake it, deep fry it or barbecue and smoke it?  When do I have to wake up to begin preparations? How long will the cooking take?  How much will it cost?  How ma...

Is this promo a good deal?

Number Sense Math and Food Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
McDonald's was offering an "Arch Card" special deal. If you bought an Arch Card for $100 you were entitled to a free BigMac or EggMcMuffin every week for a full year. The card was only offered a...

BIG Snickers bar

Algebra Geometry Math and Food 3-act tasks Wow factor
  Act 1 - Big question = How many times bigger than a regular Snickers bar is this? What info would you like to know? How are you going to judge how much bigger this ...

Bits, bytes, and nibbles

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Ratio and Proportion
Clicking on the image will show it larger. I'm not very good at understanding how large my device capacities are and how big the files that I want to download are in comparison.  I decid...
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