tags: Lego

tags: Lego
We found 5 post available for you

The LEGO transit time

Number Sense Math and Science Data and probability
In this updated activity, students will explore the math behind an unusual study: how long it takes to pass a LEGO head through a body? They'll calculate time intervals, convert...

Lego Fireman +

Number Sense Geometry Math and Science Math and Art Any time math
At the Toys R Us store, we saw an amazing LEGO creation.  He was a life-sized LEGO fireman with a walkie-talkie, an oxygen tank and even an oxygen...

The new largest Lego set ever - The Roman Colosseum

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion 3-act tasks Data and probability
Note: This is a remake of our 2014 and 2017 activities "How Much Does a Lego Cost?". How much could the Roman Colossem Lego set cost ? Student first make a guess and then think about what ...

How much does the biggest Lego set ever cost?

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion 3-act tasks Data and probability
  Picture from the Verge. Click to see the story. Note: This is a remake of our 2014 "How Much Does a Lego Cost" activity   How much could the...

Pick-a-brick wall at the Lego store

Number Sense Geometry 3-act tasks Data and probability
There are walls at the Lego stores that are filled with individual Lego parts.  You can fill a bucket and pick out exactly what you need. Use this activity to get your students ...
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