The new largest Lego set ever - The Roman Colosseum

2023-11-20 09:44:43

The new largest Lego set ever - The Roman Colosseum

Note: This is a remake of our 2014 and 2017 activities "How Much Does a Lego Cost?".

How much could the Roman Colossem Lego set cost ? Student first make a guess and then think about what information would be useful in order to determine the actual cost. Then they use a random sample of Lego products to help figure the cost of this massive kit. Students might take an average cost per block from the sample and proportionately extend that to the number of blocks in this kit. Older students might make a scatter plot of the data and determine a line of best fit that models the cost of a kit for any number of bricks.  Students might use their model to find the cost or number of blocks in other kits. Finally, reveal the actual price at the Lego store.  Did students predict the actual cost?  If not, what might have accounted for the price difference?

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