tags: HSF-LE.A.3 Home tags: HSF-LE.A.3 Search Tags: 5.MD.3, 6.EE.2, LCM, bases, 3.MD.7, under construction tags: HSF-LE.A.3 We found 1 post available for you Jackie Robinson Algebra Math and Social Studies Sports Data and probability April 15th, 1947 was a date to remember. Jackie Robinson became the first African-American baseball player to play in Major League Baseball since the game was segregated in the 1890s. Robinson... baseball MLB average rate trend 6.EE.9 6.SP.3 7.EE.3 7.EE.4 8.F.4 HSF-LE.A.2 MP1 MP2 HSF-LE.A.3 history 6th 7th 8th HS MP4 data analysis Display 1 - 1 Of total 1