
tags: 4.NF.4
We found 5 post available for you

Magic Squares

Though it is not our usual real-world application, we always have time for some fun math puzzles! In this updated activity, students will explore the puzzle of magic squares. You...

Leslie's Yummy Pumpkin Pie

Algebra Number Sense Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion Any time math
Every year more and more people come to our house on Thanksgiving morning for my (Leslie's)famous pumpkin pie and a hike in the nearby woods.  This year 23 people have already accepted. How man...

Someone ate my cake

Number Sense Math and Food
In this fraction operation and representation activity, students are asked to decide how much of my cake was eaten. Using fraction multiplication (or angle measure if that is where you need an act...

Father's Day blueberry surprise

Number Sense Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events
Sunday is Father's Day and there is still time to have a tiny fraction review in the guise of celebrating Father's Day. This is a short activity that asks students to change the amounts in a bl...
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