tags: snow

tags: snow
We found 3 post available for you

How much snow is that?

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion
❄️In this updated activity, students will estimate, calculate, and analyze the weight of a snow pile sitting on top of a car. Using real-world data, they’ll apply math to determine if...

Big Air snowboarding

Number Sense Geometry Math and Science Sports Holidays and Annual Events
Starting February 18th a new Olympic sport will be televised ... Big Air Snowboarding.  Some of your students may be officianados of snowboarding. Using this activity could be an opportunity to l...

Snow Days

Algebra Math and Science
Here is a picture  from a recent snowfall at my house.  How Much Snow Did I Get?  Have students make an estimate.  Ask them for a guess that is probably a little to...
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