tags: art

tags: art
We found 37 post available for you

Holiday Candy Sales

Algebra Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
In this updated activity, students will analyze U.S. holiday candy sales data to calculate the approximate amount spent on candy for each holiday. Using real-world percentage...

Earth Day Actions for Our Planet (April 22)

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Science
We have 16 activities that you could use for Earth Day! April 22nd is Earth Day. Help your students become activists for our planet? We have ...

The Moroccan Earthquake and the Richter scale

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Current events Ratio and Proportion Any time math
Friday evening, September 8th, a powerful 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit Morocco southwest of Marrakech. What does a 6.8 magnitude earthquake mean?  How powerful was that...

Monarch's are flying south again

Algebra Math and Science Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
In mid-August and early September, the Monarch butterflies begin their annual migration south to more moderate climates to hibernate and overwinter. It is an incredibly long migration and fa...

What do you know about the Hawaiian islands?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Math and Social Studies Current events Data and probability Any time math
We’ve been watching news about the extreme wild fires, draught and winds that have devastated parts of the Hawaiian Islands. Let your students explore Hawaii and better understand its d...

Summer Solstice, the longest day

Algebra Math and Science Holidays and Annual Events Data and probability
Sunrise on summer solstice at Stonehenge On Wednesday, June 21st, at 10:57 am EDT, the Earth's North Pole will be tilted as far towards the Sun as it will ever be in the ye...

Wheel of Theodorus

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Art
Bring a little art into your math class as you begin to use the Pythagorean theorem and your students first meet irrational numbers. For Adventurer members we have an editable Word docx and s...

Iditarod 2023 – The Last Great Race on Earth

Algebra Number Sense Sports Current events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
The Iditarod Dogsled Race will begin this year on Saturday, March 4th in Anchorage, Alaska. It is often called The Last Great Race on Earth because it is so long and grueling. Students ...

Wind chill

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Ratio and Proportion
  The weather forecasters tell us what the wind chill temperature will feel like. How do they figure out that number? In this activity students use the National Weather System chart ...
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