tags: HSG.MG.A.3

tags: HSG.MG.A.3
We found 4 post available for you

Mathematical Gift Wrapping

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Holidays and Annual Events 3-act tasks
๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽIn this updated activity, students will use math to explore two methods of wrapping gifts, including the mathematical method demonstrated by S...

How many baseballs are in this truck?

Algebra Geometry Sports Any time math
In 2017, Old Dominion Freight Line offered 2 free tickets to the next 3 World Series to the person who guesses closest to "How many baseballs are in this truck?". Alas, the contest ended on Au...

Do I have enough wrapping paper?

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Holidays and Annual Events 3-act tasks
In this problem based activity students first guess and then try to calculate whether they will have enough paper to wrap this present without taping pieces of wrapping paper together. Con...

Wrapping presents on the diagonal

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Holidays and Annual Events
๐ŸŽThis activity has been updated: https://www.yummymath.com/post/mathematical-gift-wrapping/ Adventurers members can still access the old version by clicking "Solutions & Supporting Mat...
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