tags: MP2

tags: MP2
We found 65 post available for you

Pokémon GO! I should have invested

Algebra Number Sense Current events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Pikachu Pokémon GO is all the rage.  News reports show people glued to their smart phones as they travel to nearby landmarks where virtual critters appear and need to be caught ...

What's my angle?

Geometry Math and Science
I'm going to help save the planet by adding solar panels to my roof! Should I tilt the panels on my roof to more accurately aim towards the Sun? If so, at what angle should I use? S...

How Many Donuts is That?

Number Sense Geometry Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events 3-act tasks Data and probability Wow factor
Act One:  Take a look at the first picture (Krispy-Kreme-photos). What is the first question that comes to mind? How many donuts is that?  What information would be useful?  ...

Lifespan of a meme, the Harlem Shake

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Data and probability
Five friends who skateboard and video tape made up a strange dance one afternoon and filmed it on February 2nd (look it up on youtube!).  Now the whole world knows them and their da...

Bank of America Debit Card Fees

Number Sense Math and Social Studies
Millions of people and businesses use debit cards every day.  Banks didn't charge customers for their use. Banks actually gave rewards and incentives to customers for using them. So how di...
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