tags: 6th

tags: 6th
We found 367 post available for you

How did they figure these tips?

Number Sense Math and Social Studies Math and Food
  Act I:  This restaurant bill has the suggested tips, but they are smudged out.  What should they be?  Consider having students make a fast 5 to 10 -second prediction in th...

David Price, big bucks per ...

Number Sense Sports Ratio and Proportion
  David Price, a 30-year old pitcher from Toronto's Blue Jays, was hired with a 7 year contract to be the Red Sox's new ace pitcher for $217 million dollars.  That is the largest amount eve...

Which is the best deal?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Food Ratio and Proportion
How do you calculate and justify which deal is a better savings?  By dollars saved?  By percent saved? By some other measure? Looking at 4 different deals, students will need to...

Giant chocolate bunnies

Number Sense Geometry Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
What can you deduce about these bunnies from their descriptions ... solid? hollow? cost per pound? cost per height? Anything else? For Adventurer members we have an editable Word d...

Temperature change (Discussion Prompts)

Number Sense Math and Science
    Note: This is not intended as a comprehensive activity with solutions. Instead, it serves as a discussion prompt. Have fun! It's been a crazy winter of extremes through much o...

Who can play in this play area?

Algebra Math and Food
                 We visited a Chic-fil-A recently.  We had a great meal and my son loved playing in the ...

Data on the National Mall sites (2 Activities)

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Activity #1 - Look at the individuals who are memorialized on the National Mall and using fractions or percents decide what you can notice about those we honor. The activity is called "MLK...

How Many Pennies did Otha Save?

Number Sense Geometry 3-act tasks Data and probability
Otha Anders used picking up pennies as a way to remember to pray.  In this 3-act activity we try to estimate how much he actually collected and stored in 5 gallon water jugs. This ...

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan to give away 99% of their shares of Facebook

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Ratio and Proportion
  That sounds like an awful lot of their Facebook shares.  They want to help create a better world for their daughter, Max. I wonder if they will have enough left over to live on? The...

Oreo Stuffiness

Number Sense Math and Food Ratio and Proportion
There is yet another Oreo... This activity builds off the work that Dan Anderson's math class revealed about Original Oreos and Double Stuff Oreos. Students begin by working with the weight of just...
Display 301 - 310 Of total 367