tags: 6th

tags: 6th
We found 367 post available for you

Are these really 70% off?

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion
We ran into this sale online. Is that advertisement correct?  Do they just want us to believe their math and not question what is really 70% off?  Is everything or...

Another year of Never Ending Pasta

Algebra Number Sense Math and Food Wow factor
On September 15, 2016, Olive Garden again offered a $100 pass for never-ending pasta, bread sticks, salad and coca cola soft drinks.  The 21,000 patrons who quickly (in less than a minute) ...

Pokémon GO! I should have invested

Algebra Number Sense Current events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Pikachu Pokémon GO is all the rage.  News reports show people glued to their smart phones as they travel to nearby landmarks where virtual critters appear and need to be caught ...

10 Million nematodes

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science
Nematodes Grubs are killing my grass.  I don't want to put poison into the ground.  What can I do? There are tiny roundworms called beneficial nematodes. They can kill destructive so...

How high can a gymnastic score be?

Algebra Number Sense Sports
Gymnasts have just successfully competed in St Louis, Missouri for positions on the USA Olympic team.  As you watch their performances don't you wonder how their scores are determined&nb...

Expensive face creams

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion
Who knew that creams for your face could be so expensive!  I'm going to have to rethink what to buy for my mom.  Which of these high priced cremes is most expensive? In this activity st...

Leicester City Foxes - from underdogs to Champions

Algebra Number Sense Sports
Recently, to the surprise and elation of England and the world, the Leicester City Foxes became the winners of the British football association's Premier League.  What was the big deal?  L...

Flag Art

Number Sense Geometry Math and Social Studies Math and Art Ratio and Proportion
A little ratio art might be a fun way to get ready for the upcoming Memorial Day holiday. In this activity (Flags) students measure; create whole number ratios for the official U.S. flag; decide h...

Pixar versus DreamWorks

Number Sense Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Animated films are a billion dollar industry.  The two biggest producers of animated films are DreamWorks and Pixar.  The two have been going head to head for more than ten years now. So h...

Double Discount

Algebra Number Sense
   Wow, check out this sale!  I'm gonna be able to get this great hoodie so cheap!   If I use the promo code what will be the total percent off?
Display 291 - 300 Of total 367