We found 32 post available for you

Drinks at the Fair

Algebra Math and Food Ratio and Proportion
At the amusement park, our friend, Jason, was intrigued with this sign for drink deals. He and his family come often to the park and, during the summer when it is hot, naturally drink a lot. Whi...

How much do the movie tickets cost?

Algebra Number Sense
Ooops! I was supposed to buy 4 adult and 2 children tickets, but I accidentally entered four children and two adults ... :)  Can you figure out how much a child's ticket and an adult ticket...

Who can play in this play area?

Algebra Math and Food
                 We visited a Chic-fil-A recently.  We had a great meal and my son loved playing in the ...

How much have doughnuts changed?

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Food
Part of the Smithsonian's Sally L. Steinberg Collection of Doughnut Ephemera -- Click on the image to see it larger. When you are working on volume in your class, you can use this activi...

Free Flights?

Algebra Number Sense
This can't be right!  If my flight cost $200 and I stayed for 10 days it would be free.  Right?  You can kick off this activity by asking students to think about where in the...

What's with the plovers?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Cute little birds.  Piping plovers are nesting on beaches along the Atlantic coast. Consequently beaches are often roped-off or closed to protect their nests and chicks. Is this conservatio...


Algebra Number Sense Sports
  The deflated ball controversy makes an interesting segue into negative number line understanding.  A particular digital psi football gauge reads 0 when the ball is at a proper NFL in...

Cost of light bulbs - updated!

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Math and Social Studies Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
There's a lot of misinformation out there about the cost to consumers of CFL and LED bulbs and the savings in energy and money that could be realized. Let your students "do the math" and realiz...

Parabolic Pee

Algebra Math and Science
Mr. Mark's new little baby can make some amazingly tall streams.   Give your class a little chuckle as you introduce them to parabolic motion with this very short analysis of Mr. Mark's baby's...

QR codes

Algebra Number Sense
   Your students have probably seen these images around and might not know why they are becoming popular for smart phone scanning ... and possibly dangerous.  Students figure out the n...
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