tags: MP2

tags: MP2
We found 62 post available for you

Population Pyramids - What can you surmise?

Math and Social Studies Data and probability Wow factor
The distribution of a population's age and gender data can tell you a lot about a society's history, current situation, and future. What do you see happening here...

Median age of country populations

Number Sense Math and Social Studies Ratio and Proportion Data and probability Wow factor
Interesting map! Why median? What are the implications?     https://statisticstimes.com/demographics/countries-by-median-age.php Demography is the study of populations. Scientist...

Is 2023 a special number?

Algebra Number Sense Current events
1998 was a Harshad year. What do you notice about the number 2023? What is a Harshad number? Does 2023 meet the criteria? Big deal?  Rare?  Often?  

How many feet of lights should I buy for my tree?

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Holidays and Annual Events 3-act tasks
Check out our Christmas Tree! We need to buy lights for the tree.  Without calculating, guess how many feet of lights we will need. What information would help you t...

The Algebra of Magic Squares

Algebra Number Sense
Have you seen magic squares before? How could a teacher use these puzzles to help students with different number skills? How few blank cells could you leave? Are there any special cel...

Hurricanes, Typhoons, and Cyclones

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Data and probability
  Graphic from http://lagoon-inside.com[ This week Hurricane Fiona caused major damage to Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean, This is the season for increased cyc...


Algebra Number Sense Math and Food Current events Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
Shrinkflation! What do you think this word means?   Inflation in the cost of living (2021) was estimated to be about a 7% rise. If "shrinkflation" is happening at the same time, is t...

What's interesting about this number?

Algebra Number Sense Data and probability
  Why did we put it on YummyMath today? What do you notice about this number? What do you wonder? Do you think that this happens often in a year?

Spicy hot chocolate for the Dia de los Muertos

Algebra Number Sense Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events Current events Ratio and Proportion
  The Day of the Dead is always on the first and second of November.  Life and death are part of the natural cycle of life and the Dia de los Muertos honors that cycle.   Peppe...

Steepness and fall hiking

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Science Sports
Fall is a beautiful time of year for hiking. Many students will be walking in the woods and mountains to enjoy the colorful leaves and the cool weather outside.  Let them combine what they ...
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