Now that the shopping season has begun, it's time to get the packages to your homes. Two big companies take care of a lot of that shipping. How do they manage that?
The mechanis...
As a snowflake falls from the sky, its crystal grows according to the humidity and temperatures of the air that it passes through.
In this activity, students interpret a graphic that clarifies ...
🎁This activity has been updated:
Adventurers members can still access the old version by clicking "Solutions & Supporting Mat...
As the Macy's Parade returns to public viewing, here are two balloons that Macy's artists have added. Can you figure out their dimensions? Macy's give their dimensions in bicycle lengths, taxi w...
We used to see holiday sales right after Thanksgiving but, surprisingly, holiday shopping has already begun. Sales are advertised everywhere. Students will be able to add some understanding an...
People who have invested their money in the stock markets could have made a lot of money in recent years. Students use yearly percent increase data to decide which stock: Apple, Dis...
What's the big deal with our national debt? Do we actually borrow money to cover our debt? If we do, imagine the interest charges?
Help your students (and their families) understa...
Restaurants have been having a hard time and Chuck E. Cheese, with their arcade games and hands on everything, needed to declare bankruptcy during the pandemic. 7 BILLION previously printed tickets ...
Ben Watson, former American Football tight end, made a remarkable play in 2005 that will forever remain one of the all-time great tackles.
The play was in the 2005 AFC divisional...