tags: 7.RP

tags: 7.RP
We found 179 post available for you

Proposed southern border wall

Number Sense Math and Social Studies Current events Ratio and Proportion
You have probably heard about the proposed border wall that may go up along the U.S./Mexico border.  How much wall needs to be built? How much will that cost? What is that per mile? Per foo...

Measuring sea level

Algebra Number Sense Geometry Math and Science Ratio and Proportion Data and probability
What does this gizmo do? We've given students a diagram of what the interior of this mechanism contains and asked them to try to decide what its purpose must be. Then we've...

April's calf was born!

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Ratio and Proportion
At about 10:00 am, April 15th, April's calf was born.  Everyone will be talking about it and smiling constantly. Here's some fun math stuff to bring with you for Holiday gatherings.

Patriots' Day

Number Sense Math and Social Studies Sports Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion
In Massachusetts, Monday April 15th, 2019, will be a holiday from school and work.  We celebrate Patriots' Day on the 3rd Monday in April to commemorate the beginning of the Revolutionary War a...

New baby giraffe

Algebra Number Sense Math and Science Ratio and Proportion
  Willow at Baltimore, MD Zoo Willow weighed 125 pounds at birth and was 6 feet 1 inch tall.  She will grow to her adult height of around 14 feet tall in only four years! How big wou...

Civil rights marches, how do you count a crowd?

Number Sense Geometry Math and Social Studies Holidays and Annual Events
  On October 16, 1995, perhaps a million black men gathered for the Million Man March on Washington.  This was 32 years after Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his histo...

It's latke time

Number Sense Math and Food Holidays and Annual Events Ratio and Proportion
   In Leslie's family it is traditional to eat latkes (Yiddish for little potato pancakes) at this time of year.  They are fried in a lot of oil and salted generously. Her mom's latk...

$10,000 a week or $10 million all at once?

Algebra Number Sense Math and Social Studies Ratio and Proportion Wow factor
This activity is accessible to student elementary through high school with varying depth of study. Would you rather have $10,000 a week or $10 million all at once? What kinds of things do we nee...

Cubs bury curse !

Number Sense Sports
  Wow!  It's been a long time coming.  The Chicago Cubs just won the World Series! The last time they won the World Series was in 1908 (For some perspective, that is the same time ...

Are these really 70% off?

Algebra Number Sense Ratio and Proportion
We ran into this sale online. Is that advertisement correct?  Do they just want us to believe their math and not question what is really 70% off?  Is everything or...
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