April 15th, 1947 was a date to remember. Jackie Robinson became the first African-American baseball player to play in Major League Baseball since the game was segregated in the 1890s. Robinson...
We've found that some students believe that the approximation that their calculators show for irrational numbers is exact. Here's an activity that you can advertise as long multiplication ...
The Super Bowl is over now and all of the ads have been seen. Let your students revisit and reflect on the interesting commercials with this scientific notation activity...
The Philadelphia police were being proactive about keeping their enthusiastic Eagles fans from being reckless as they celebrated their 2018 Super Bowl win. So, the police departments...
Let students explore the patterns of perfect squares and Pythagorean Triples as they analyze our piece of art and decide why the resulting construction looks like spiraling squares. For a finale the...
How in the world does this clock conclude that there is a net gain in the United States of one person every 14 seconds?
Have a little care about younger children when using this activity. T...
At the amusement park, our friend, Jason, was intrigued with this sign for drink deals. He and his family come often to the park and, during the summer when it is hot, naturally drink a lot. Whi...