Leslie's Yummy Pumpkin Pie

2023-11-20 09:44:54

Leslie's Yummy Pumpkin Pie

Every year more and more people come to our house on Thanksgiving morning for my (Leslie's)famous pumpkin pie and a hike in the nearby woods.  This year 23 people have already accepted. How many pies should I make?  How much of each ingredient will I need? What quantities should I buy at the grocery store?  Engage your students in estimation, multiplication of fractions and proportional reasoning.

Although we don't specifically ask for it consider this an opportunity to get into same system unit conversions, such as ounces to cups, or cups to pints, teaspoons to tablespoons, ect.  Kids shouldn't have to memorize formulas, but should know how to apply them.  We have included unit conversions in the solutions.

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