Will our U.S. flag change yet again?

2023-11-20 09:44:44

Will our U.S. flag change yet again?

How many stripes are in our present flag?  (The bottom right flag that has been in use since 1960; See the PowerPoint) How many stars? What do the numbers of stars and stripes represent? U.S. Congress is again considering whether to grant statehood to Washington D. C. and Puerto Rico.  Our activity is about the possible designs of a new 52-state flag. Teachers may wish to engage in a discussion of the pros and cons of this decision and what it would mean for the House of Representatives, the Senate, Puerto Rico, and Washington D. C.

For a little hands-on, artsy follow-up to this activity, let students experiment with folding and cutting a 5-pointed star.  History gives credit to Betsy Ross for teaching George Washington that making a 5-pointed star is easier to cut out perfectly than a 6-pointed star. Betsy Ross's 5-pointed star.

Or click on the "flag" tag below to discover more activities related to flags.

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