2023-11-20 09:44:53
What is heat index?
What is heat index?
It's been really hot in many places on our Earth lately. Is some heat more bearable? What is the heat index measure? How does that affect our risks and our tolerance of heat? How does sweat come into all of this? What are some ways to cool yourself?
The activity: heat-index.pdf
For Adventurer members we have an editable Word docx and solutions.
We have a previous activity about How much water you need to consume. This activity involves Mayo Clinic calculations for your water needs and addresses learners in grades 4 through high school. 4.OA.B, 5.OA.B, 6.NS.B, 6.RP.A, 8.F.A, HSA-CED, HSF.BF, HSM
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