2023-11-20 09:44:54
Vampire bats + Mosquito eating bats
Vampire bats + Mosquito eating bats
Ooooo. Scary! In this first activity on vampire bats we've given lots of interesting metric and customary unit facts and asked students to relate those sizes to more familiar objects. Simply enjoy the season with this slightly creepy activity ... metric and customary units, size and weight comparisons, and blood-sucking bats.
Consider starting your class with this National Geographic video:
Encouraging bats might be better than bug repellant - Bats eat mosquitoes ... lots of mosquitoes. Students compare a bat's weight to how much he can consume in one night. They calculate how much they would need to eat to consume a comparable proportion of food. 6.RP.A, 7.RP.A
Comments (1)

Janet Piezzo -
2024-10-26 22:24:32
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