How much pee is in your pool (Updated)

2024-09-07 14:15:49

How much pee is in your pool (Updated)

How much pee is in your pool? 🏊🏊

After chlorination, it has been hard to measure the quantity of pollutants in pool water.  A Canadian chemist, Xing-Fang Li, has found a marker for urine that chlorine doesn't disguise. In this activity, students calculate volume of several pools, change that cubic foot volume to gallons of pool water, and try to approximate how much urine is in each pool.  

Image by freepik

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Comments (2)
Jacqueline Barreras - 2024-09-24 05:11:15
Jacqueline Barreras - 2024-09-24 05:11:06
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