2023-11-20 09:44:31
Passover macaroons
Passover macaroons
Passover begins this year on Wednesday evening, April 5th, 2023, with a Passover seder dinner. Passover is one of the three high holidays in the Jewish religion and celebrates the Exodus of Jews from slavery in Egypt. Let your students review fractions in this investigation on halving and tripling the fractional quantities of ingredients in a Passover macaroon recipe. Choose whether you want students to consider what the general rule might be for increasing or decreasing this recipe by using the more advanced, rule document below. Passover always begins on the 14th day of Nissan on the Hebrew calendar but that day translates to a range of Spring days in the Gregorian calendar. For an interesting investigation of the Hebrew calendar go here.Working with fractions activity: macaroon-frac.pdf
Solutions and editable Word doc for members:
macaroon-frac.doc macaroon-frac-solutions.pdf
Generalizing a rule activity: macaroons-frac-rule.pdf
Solutions and editable Word doc for members:
macaroons-frac-rule.doc macaroons-solutions-frac-rule.pdf
CCSS: 5.NF, 6.NS, 7.NS, 7.EE, MP7, MP8
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